Our team members are always eager to help.
We live by our five core values. These are at the heart of who we are, and enable us to deliver our excellent service and high-standards across the company.
Brian Nolan
Managing Director
F1 fanatic, fixer of broken things, and a big family man, Brian is our MD extraordinaire. He steers our ship, creates business strategy and keeps our technical expertise tip top.
Vicky Nolan
Sales & Marketing Director
Fuelled by passion, creativity and hard graft, Vicky, drives our business growth, our awesome brand and is responsible for a lot of laughter in the office. She loves a challenge and lives by her mantra that ‘Fortune Favours the Brave.’
Helen Lodge
Always with a smile on her face, Helen is our creative guru. She helps us stand out from the crowd with her fantastic designs, keeping us looking fresh and exciting and bringing our brand to life
Rebecca Sewell
Rebecca is our ‘warm welcome’ at Circuit. From manning our manic reception desk to managing sales for our sister business Croft Myl, (a quirky office hub in the centre of Halifax), Rebecca’s bubbly ‘can-do’ personality will brighten your day.
Becky Costello
Becky combines her prestigious writing skills with her expertise in meditation, bringing some much needed zen to the Circuit office.
Clare Lewis
Claire’s straight down the line approach and great attention to detail ensures we do things the right way, making Circuit a great place to work.
Kirsty Helliwell
Kirsty gets stuff done. A remarkable organiser, scheduler and planner, Kirsty can juggle a million balls at the same time. One of our long standing employees, if you cut her in half, she’d read Circuit through and through.
Amanda Matthews
Our client guru, Amanda has the power to win you over before you’ve even noticed. Always a nice word to say about everyone, she is our client expert, managing our biggest contracts.
Carolyn Wood
Kind, helpful, and all around good egg, Carolyn supports the scheduling and admin team. She’s always happy to turn her hand to whatever needs doing and is great in a crisis.
Natalie Doyle
Natalie is awesome at finding solutions to those niggly operational problems. A hard grafter who always does a quality job, she’s great at building relationships with our customers.
Tracey White
Our numbers expert, Tracey keeps our finances flowing. A great listener and always there with a cup of tea, Tracey always has her finger on the pulse.
Gary Hodgson
A true electrical master, Gary has over 20 years experience in PAT testing. His wisdom and knowledge shape our new employees, build our training schemes and ensure we maintain a high levels of standards.
Adam Williams
Circuit to the bone, Adam has grown his career with us from college. He delivers an excellent quality service, is fantastic with our customers and truly ‘salt of the earth’.
Are you interested in joining our ever-evolving team? It couldn’t be simpler!
There’s a number of great opportunities arising and we’re always looking for keen individuals to fill them.
Email over your CV to Mr Circuit on mrcircuit@circuitcompliance.com