Electrical Safety Tips When Faced With A Flood

We all know that water and electricity is a dangerous combination. Water is an excellent conductor which means you can become electricity’s path to the ground if you are touching water that touches electricity which could result in you being electrocuted. This is why it’s so important to be aware of your surroundings when you’re in a situation that involves both water and electricity.

A flood could be anything from a small puddle in your living room to ten feet of water taking over your home. These tips will help you stay safe in any flood situation and avoid electrocution.

If you ever fall victim to flooding, you need to be aware of the dangers associated with live electricity. We’ve pulled together a list of tips that will keep you safe when you’re dealing with the aftermath of a flood.

Ensure that your property is safe before you enter it

After a flood occurs all you want to do is get back into your home and carry on as normal. What you need to ensure, however, is that your property is completely safe before you enter it. You should consult professionals to determine the extent of damage to your electrical system and home before you start dealing with the aftermath yourself.

Turn off the electricity supply if it is safe to do so

Before you do anything, turn off your electricity at the source but only if it’s safe to do so. If you can see water inside the fuse box or there are any signs of overheating, don’t attempt to turn it off yourself and seek professional advice instead.

Don’t go near exposed wiring

There is always a chance that exposed wiring could still be live and cause major risks such as an electric shock so avoid any contact to these. If these are wires are submerged stay away from that body of water until you are sure that the electric has been turned off and those wires aren’t live.

Avoid contact with any remaining water

Any water that has remained in your home could still be contaminated and pose a hazard to anyone who walks through it. If there’s enough of an electrical current running through it, it can be lethal. If you come across this in your home and are unsure whether or not it is safe to move the body of water, consult an expert.

Unplug any damaged electrical appliances

As well as unplugging damaged electrical appliances, you should also move any portable electronic devices from the area that’s been flooded to avert any more dangers. Once the area has been fully dried out and returned back to its normal state you can move these devices back in, if you move these back in too early you could be at risk of electric shock.

When faced with a flood there will be a lot of thoughts going through your mind and electrical safety may not be at the top of the list but by remembering and following the tips we’ve given you, you’ll be able to avoid electrocution and you’ll be more aware and better equipped to face the aftermath of the flooding in a safe manner.

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