Emergency Light Testing

Emergency lighting should operate automatically and give adequate light to enable a safe evacuation of the building, and employers are responsible for ensuring the upkeep of these systems but we’re always here to lend a hand.

Emergency lighting is present within most new buildings as it’s normally incorporated during the construction, but your emergency lighting must be in accordance with the current Building Regulations and British Standards.

The British Standards provides information on the guidelines and requirements of which you need to aspire to as different buildings will need higher standards than normal, therefore they will need better emergency lighting.

At Circuit Compliance, we are committed to ensuring that our customers have a full overview and confidence in the intrinsic safety of their emergency lighting installations. To make your life easier, we always try and work around the more convenient times for our customers and try to complete the job outside of the normal working hours.

Emergency lighting is split into three different sub-divisions:

  • Emergency escape lighting: This particular emergency lighting is used to provide an illumination for the safety of people leaving a location.
  • Standby lighting: This emergency lighting enables normal activity to continue unchanged.
  • Escape route lighting: This provides emergency lighting that ensures people are able to escape effectively and can easily identify the safest route out of the building.

We provide a professional periodic inspection service in line with the requirements of Emergency Lighting Regulations BS5266.

  • We can work out of hours to minimise disruption.
  • We provide certification detailing our inspection procedures and outlining any issues that may arise.
  • We can carry out remedial repairs where required.

For A Quick Quote

For a quick quote call us on 01422 413035 or 0845 021 3207
or email: mrcircuit@circuitcompliance.com

Contact Us

0845 021 3207
Croft Myl, West Parade, Halifax, HX1 2EQ
George Street, Edinburgh, West Lothian, EH2 3ES